Homeopathic medicine is a holistic form of medicine that treats person as a whole, rather than just the disease or the diagnose per se. Homeopathic medicines are made from specifically prepared highly diluted substances and prescriptions are tailored to each individual patient, according to their specific symptoms. As a complex system of medicine, Homeopathy is able to treat acute and chronic conditions, it has a very good reputation (well documented) in treating epidemics with very high success rate, and can also help and improve the patients life at any stage, safe to take from day 1 in newborn, during pregnancy and labour.
From issues like reflux, colics and teething in a newborn, eczema or skin rash, to coughs, earaches, recurrent colds, homeopathy has something to offer in every area to improve child's health on every level, gently, safely and effectively.
It's very empowering to have what you need in case of a bruises, a shock situation, sprains, a vomiting bug, diarrhoea, sunburn or insect bites.
knowledge of a few homeopathic medicines will enable one to secure relief from shock and pain, ensure lasting healing of sprains, fractures or other injuries.
We are unique as individuals and we react in many different ways to changes of weather, to grief, to shock and also to medication.
Some don't need to worry about anything, but some have to deal with long term side effects. Homeopathic medicine is a very good option in this situation because it deals with the cause, it supports the organ/the system of organs affected to clear/detox the substance that created the problem in the first place and is also gentle and improves the overall health.
Skin is usually the ultimate outlet where toxins are eliminated when other organs are under pressure...for example, when liver is overloaded, it cannot fulfil all its functions properly (and we know that has very many jobs) , so is putting pressure on other organs and throwing toxins out through the skin. So healing the skin its pretty much the last job, after the inside is fixed...Also, when treating the skin, is many times essential to add a liver support, kidney support, etc...whatever is necessary for the individual.
We all have different worries in our lives, and we all react different to them...Sometimes they are overpowering and interfere and affect our daily activities or with sleep... this is when we need some extra help to manage them in a gentle, non toxic way.
To be told to sit for a number of hours a day is not easy for some children. They simply have more energy than others, they are curios, they want to explore...
Also the overuse of screens plays an important role in children's behaviour, so is the lifestyle and nutrition.
All these factors trigger the chaotic expression of the energy which otherwise can be used in a healthy, constructive way.
The homeopathic, indicated medicine for the person can help rebalance the nervos system, calms down the restless mind and also helps the concentration levels.
A viral infection can affect different people in different ways, depending on the age, vitality, lifestyle, constitution, family history, etc.
Some suffer long term side effects, even after the acute stage has past..the common side effects are fatigue, exhaustion (physical and mental) prolonged cough, depression, brain fog, forgetfulness and many others.
All children are unique in development, but some milestones if missed or delayed can affect nervous system and has a negative impact on child's health (physiological, emotional, mental) on the long term.
This is where homeopathy can help and rebalance hormones( especially those responsible with growth and development), neurotransmitters and other organs and systems that require support to reestablish homeostasis and equilibrium in the body.
From menstrual irregularities, painful periods, infertility, side effects of the Pill, endometriosis, PCOS, there are all very common complaints where homeopathy can deal with.
Hormonal system is a very fine tuned mechanism and can be very easily thrown out of balance, therefore, we need a very gentle form of medicine to deal with it, to reestablish the balance.